Last Call - Hip-Hop Twerk Type Beat
Last Call - Hip-Hop Twerk Type Beat
Are you ready to level up your hip hop performances? Look no further than Last Call - Hip-Hop Twerk Type Beat! This beat, produced by Aaron, boasts an energetic BPM of 110 and a running time of 03:44. It's the perfect soundtrack to showcase your inner hip hop singer and bring the heat to any stage. Get ready to twerk and show off your skills with the top-quality and irresistible sound of Last Call - Hip-Hop Twerk Type Beat. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your performance and truly stand out in the hip hop scene.
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Need Mixing or Mastering?
To get that "GOOD" sound you hear on Spotify and on the radio, you need a good mix. That starts with the stems. A properly mixed stem session is the key to get a great master. Contact us for a quote.